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Buy your software token now - It costs 10 GBP for a single machine token - or buy 10 for the price of 8

BreveEasy Software Token Information




BreveEasy software tokens are the on-line equivalent of gift vouchers. They may be exchanged at a later date for a BreveEasy software licence.

A BreveEasy software token cannot be refunded. It is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase. It may be exchanged for a BreveEasy single machine software licence. Once exchanged the BreveEasy token becomes invalid.

A BreveEasy software token makes an excellent gift - it is an ideal way of encouraging a wind or brass player to practice long notes and therefore improve their tone quality and control.

Teachers can purchase tokens and then re-sell them to their students.


Buy a single machine software token for 10 GBP.

Buy ten single machine software tokens for 80 GBP

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